The Akashic Records are a library of information that contain recorded details of your soul throughout all of its many transitions. The Akashic Records span throughout other lifetimes, present incarnations & also future lifetimes. The Quantum Field lies within your Akashic Records & it is there as well as in your 'Hall of Records' that I can obtain answers, guidance or healing for you to aid you in your life now. The Akashic Records are a high vibrational platform to enable you to bring positive life changes & knowledge to enhance your soul's journey through this lifetime. Every word, deed or learning is stored in your Akashic Records so they can be a powerful way to obtain understanding about yourself & to seek soul level guidance & support.
These readings are completely led by your Spirit Team in your Akashic Records - Your Akashic Records Guides, Masters, Teachers & your Record Keepesr, as well as anyone else who works with you now & wants to come forward to help. They are also driven by your Higher Self who directs you to become who you are supposed to be in any lifetime. Whatever you need to know, learn from or any information or messages that will assist you to grow, evolve & heal will be given to you during these readings. They are deeply immersive readings that will help you to answer any spiritual questions you may have. They can offer a helping hand to any problems that you may be experiencing in your life physically, mentally, emotionally or energetically. Here are some of the things that you may wish to know about during an Akashic Records Reading:
Coming for your reading with questions about your life can be helpful but opening up to the possibility of allowing yourself to be guided by Beings of Light who have your highest good in mind & will offer you the Higher Perspective on any issues you may be encountering will make your reading even more amazing. Though any changes you make from choosing to have this reading is entirely your own free will choice to make it can sometimes be very useful to have different perspectives given to you to enable you to make a more informed choice. Every reading is specific to you & they are self focused - meaning that they are all about you, so asking questions about others that are not related to you by some form of relationship or learning experience will not give you the answers you may be desiring, as this is not a psychic reading but a massive learning opportunity.
Healing can also be offered to you during these readings, especially if it is needed & shown to be necessary for your soul growth.
You will need to be in a quiet room on your own where you won't be disturbed to receive this reading.
Akashic Readings are not recorded by me & I ask that they are not recorded by you either but you are free to take notes during them if you wish.
Before you begin a lifetime on Earth you have to make choices on the many things in your life that you wish to experience. Primarily we are here to learn & spiritually evolve from all of these experiences, so the choices that we decide upon are very important for our soul's growth. In order to undertake a life on Earth & have certain experiences we must sign many soul contracts. These are akin to rules that we make for ourselves to maintain order whilst in a human form but also so that we know what to expect before we incarnate. The soul contracts that we sign help us to actually physically experience the things that our soul wishes to achieve & grow from. They are there so that we are guaranteed to learn from specific life lessons & to come to some understanding of why we chose them as a vehicle to help us to evolve & spiritually ascend.
A Soul Contracts Reading is specifically focused on you learning about the soul contracts that you signed before you came into this lifetime. They can be extraordinary in helping you to understand more about yourself & why are here at this time, as well as showing you what decisions you made that are impacting your life now or have done in the past. They can reveal new & insightful understandings & knowledge about what it is your soul wishes to experience & why you chose it. The soul contracts can run from things such as why we decided to grow up in a specific place, area or country to what we wished to learn from our parents or siblings. Soul contracts cover such a high remit of areas that not every soul contract you have made can be covered in one reading but I will be intuitively guided to show you why you decided upon specific lessons or challenges & what you have learned or have yet to learn from those experiences.
These readings can open up a whole new way of seeing your life & what you are here to do as well as showing you why many circumstances in your life occurred. Here are just some of the many things that you may learn about yourself if you opt for this type of reading, but please remember that the reading will be intuitively led to what is the most important for you to know at the time of your coming:
There are many other soul contracts that may come up for you in your reading depending on what you need & you will receive a lot of information about yourself & your life during this reading. Please come with an open mind & an open heart.
You will need to be in a quiet room on your own where you won't be disturbed to receive this reading.
Soul Contracts Readings are not recorded by me & I ask that they are not recorded by you either but you are free to take notes during them if you wish.
Please Note:
All readings are meant to give you answers, empower you to make your own choices & to give you an idea of what may be coming up for you in your life or what Spirit or the Angels or Beings of Light wish you to be more aware of. Any information on what may be coming up in your future is always impacted by any decisions that you make, as any choices made on your life in the now can facilitate changes to be made in the future, the future is never set & can be open to free will interpretation. Understand too that any choices or actions that you take in your life are also your sole responsibility.
To receive a reading you must be over 18 years of age.
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