Angelic Reiki is a recognised hands on healing modality, but much more than that, it is a powerful self development & ascension tool. Angelic Reiki cleanses & prepares you to be able to absorb the wisdom behind the Ancient Teachings in an energetic way. Angelic Reiki is very different to any other form of hands on healing or Reiki, as it is not the person administering the healing who gives the energy, it is the Angels & Beings of Light themselves, making every healing divinely perfect.
Angelic Reiki can change you in a deep & profound way, & learning the process of healing with the Angels & Angelic Reiki is not to be undertaken lightly, for you will release anything which no longer serves you for 1-2 months before actually attending all of the Angelic Reiki courses & integrate the course for some time afterwards too. This release process of being prepared by the Angels for the courses can happen on all levels; physically, emotionally, & spiritually. So please be sure that these courses are something that you are ready to undertake.
As well as supporting you on your own personal path & healing AR can reveal to you your own latent talents & gifts. Your 'Soul Purpose' may be revealed to you, as the Angels help to guide you onto your spiritual path in this life. It may not be clear to you exactly why you have been drawn to do the courses, as our conscious mind doesn't know everything that is for our highest good, but something may be revealed to you during, or after, an Angelic Reiki course that has the potential to completely change your life, whether that is working in the spiritual realm or not.
In all other forms of Reiki, the energy attunements & activations in consciousness are done through the Master Teacher, but with Angelic Reiki, this is different. An Angelic presence stands behind each person to be initiated & the attunements come through that Angel. Therefore all attunements are received by the student at a pure Divine vibration.
▪ How would it feel to undergo an initiation into the vibration of the Angelic Kingdom of Light, which would alter the molecular spin of the very atoms of which your physical body is composed, & your DNA, so that from that moment forward you would be able to merge with angelic energy in perfection?
▪ Imagine a connection with the Ascended Masters, which allows you to be embraced by their energy & be welcomed into the ranks of the galactic healers of this Galaxy?
▪ What profound joy would you experience if you found yourself in a multi-dimensional vortex, merging energy with the Angels, or maybe an Ascended Master, or even a Galactic Healer? Helping to heal, clear & realign people & even being able to use it on yourself, your friends, or your family?
▪ Imagine the radiant splendour of having the energy of 30 Archangels manifest before you, to give you probably the most profound initiation you will ever experience; their combined energies constituting the sum total of the vibration of the Angelic Kingdom of Light as we experience it in consciousness.
This form of Angelic Reiki healing that I teach comes directly from the originators & founders of Angelic Reiki & The Angelic Reiki Organisation & is the original version of this modality, holding the energy at a high vibration.
On all levels of the courses there will be healing swaps between the attendees so that everyone gets a chance to receive the energy themselves, but also to practice giving AR to another person.
There are 4 Levels in this form of Angelic Reiki & all are certified:
Angelic Reiki 1&2
Angelic Reiki 3&4
Professional Practitioner Level
Master Teacher
All levels cannot be taught online & can only be attended in person.
To quote Kevin Core, the founder of Angelic Reiki:
“Angelic Reiki shares the characteristics of traditional Reiki in as much as it is a hands-on practice with the option of self-healing and distance treatments. Although it uses symbols common to other Reiki systems, the healing power of the Angelic Vibration sets it apart. This Divine Vibration attunes both the healer and client to their Soul energy, raising consciousness and re-awakening an awareness of what it is to be a divine being, whole and healthy and living in joy.”
You need time at every level of Angelic Reiki to integrate the energies & attunements afterwards, as this is a high vibrational healing energy & every level can bring about remarkable changes in all areas of your life, but particularly spiritually & in your own personal growth, so please allow time between learning each level for you to do this. How much time can be dependant on you individually, but it is recommended at least 6 months be left between them.
This is not the level where you can use Angelic Reiki with clients or the general public, & in fact some people may only feel that they need to do this level to help spiritually evolve or for their own spiritual growth. Those wishing to carry on & use this wonderful energy modality with clients must attend the Level 3&4 Course, & then the Practitioner Level course first.
This course takes place over 2 & a Half days, or 2 full days & 1 evening.
On this course you will learn to give Angelic Reiki to your friends or family, & also how to use it on yourself. You will be taught how to give AR to children, animals & plants. How the energy can help in pregnancy & how to attune crystals with it.
The cost of this first level of Angelic Reiki is £252, which is a set rate across the whole of the UK. Full payment must be made for this course a week before the start date. You will receive a certificate after completion of this course.
This is the 2nd level of Angelic Reiki, but you still can't use this level with clients. Those wishing to carry on & use this wonderful energy modality with clients or the general public & get insured for it, must attend the next level - Practitioner - to do so. You must also have undertaken the first level of Angelic Reiki, Level 1&2 to do this second level.
The purpose of the workshop is to initiate the participant into the Master energy of this system. This will happen in the most perfect way for each participant. In Angelic Reiki the level 3 & 4 is a Masters attunement workshop, but is not the Master qualification. It is a stepping stone along your personal spiritual path. It can awaken spiritual talents & everyone will use this energy in their own unique way.
This workshop is a gift for anyone who wants to merge more deeply with the Angelic Kingdom. The second workshop includes a further three attunements encompassing 12 symbols and an activation of the symbols through all 12 dimensions by the Lord Melchizedek. This attunement includes The Master Symbol. The attunement into the Angelic Reiki Master Symbol is the invitation & spiritual blessing that paves the way to self mastery. It is from this place that we can help others.
Archangel Metatron says that Angelic Reiki is "the healing of our time" and its purpose is to support everyone who seeks guidance on their own spiritual path. We are all on the path to integrating & realising the truth that we are here for a reason & are Divine Beings. This workshop provides the tools to merge with one’s Soul energy & fulfil one’s purpose on earth.
This course takes place over 2 & a half days, or two full days & one evening.
The cost of this course is £320, which is a set rate across the whole of the UK. Full payment must be made for this course a week before the start date. You will receive a certificate on completion of this course.
The purpose of this workshop is to equip the participant to share the Angelic Reiki energy in a professional way with clients.
This course takes place over 4 days continuously or spread across 2 x weekends & the content covers how to use the wonderful energy of AR with the working public.
Some of the topics covered in this workshop include:
Though every aspect of working with clients using Angelic Reiki will be covered on this course.
Practitioner Certificates are only given when an agreement to embrace the code of ethics of AR has been signed, & case studies have been submitted to your Master Teacher & passed by them.
The cost of this Practitioner level of Angelic Reiki is £360, which is a set rate across the whole of the UK. Full payment must be made for this course a week before the start date.
PLEASE NOTE: Anyone wishing to attend any of these Angelic Reiki courses, or to know any more about Angelic Reiki please get in touch with Sahra via the CONTACT page on here.
If you would be interested in Sahra coming to your area to teach any of the levels of Angelic Reiki, then please message her to discuss whether this can be arranged.
New Shamballa is the Diamond Light of Unconditional Love.
Undertaking this course can bring you empowerment, more harmony & balance in your life & more trust in yourself & the universe. In some cases it can be profoundly life changing.
As the energy of Shamballa comes from the Soul, it is a form of healing that originates directly from the Divine to another, via your Heart Chakra. It is a remembrance both to yourself & others that we are all 'Sparks of the Divine,' all in essence - unconditional love. Shamballa enables you to live more consciously in that knowing & with self mastery, shedding judgement or comparison.
Shamballa is the love we hold in our Souls, reminding us of who really are. When the energy is given to another it also reminds them that they hold all they need to heal in love & light.
As we exist on all levels, in all dimensions, as does Shamballa. In the energy you can find all the rays of Creation, all the primordial energies which have been incarnated in those beings called the 'Ascended Masters'. This will & wisdom enables you to experience yourselves as Greater Beings of LOVE.
The energy of Shamballa includes 13 separate attunements to each dimension being given to you on the course. This process enables the participants to feel & experience the Shamballa Love that they hold on each dimensional level & anchor it into themselves deeply.
It is an awakening to the multi-dimensional self & in order to hold these energies a clearing & activiation of DNA is needed first. The 13 attunements often open you up as a greater Channel & to be more fully grounded into your body, which is especially good for anyone who may find it harder to be experiencing life on Earth in a physical form at this time.
The powerful & transforming energies of Shamballa were first brought to the Earth by St Germain in Atlantis & have now been brought through for us to use once again.
The attunements are at a purely Divine vibration as they are given to all participants in each dimension by not only the Ascended Masters, but also through the Angelic Kingdom & beings residing within each dimension who step forward to attune you throughout the course.
The Attunements:
There are many gifts which become apparent once a participant has attended this course & integrated the principles into their life, which can take up to 6 months to be fully embedded into your system.
This is a full 6 day course which will take you on a journey of self discovery & opens you to the ability to be in alignment with everything around you.
This is the gift that comes to you being attuned to the 13 Dimensions under the guidance of the 13 Zen Masters & in such a pure form.
Because there is no need for levels, this 6 day course will take you all the way to Mastership level of this energy modality, enabling you to attain more mastership of yourself too.
You will be shown on this course how to use the healing on yourself, others, animals, children, plants & trees, as well as how to send it via distance to people or places. The course will also include healing swaps being undertaken by participants so everyone gets to receive the energy themselves & learns how to give it to another, as well as anchoring in the energy of the attunements.
The cost of this amazing 6 day course is £570.
You will receive a manual & certificate after attending this course. The certificate to Master level means you can be insured to use Shamballa with the general public after case studies have been submitted & passed by your Master teacher, but does not allow you to teach others the energy.
PLEASE NOTE: Anyone wishing to attend this course, or to know any more about Shamballa please get in touch with Sahra via the CONTACT page on here.
If you would be interested in Sahra coming to your area to teach this then please message her to discuss whether this can be arranged.
Usui Ryoko Reiki is a Japanese hands on healing technique which can be used for self-healing, self & spiritual development as well as a form of energy healing for others. The Japanese word ‘Reiki’ literally translates as universal life force energy, which is what a Reiki healer brings through them to give to another when using this wonderful energy. When you treat yourself or someone else using Reiki you are allowing an unlimited external source of ‘energy’ to flow through you into them or you, not using your own energy. making the energy purer in form. During all Reiki courses you receive an attunement to the energy which opens you up to using the energy of Reiki at each level.
The Usui Ryoko Reiki is the first form of Reiki to be brought to the West, but since then many other forms of Reiki have been developed or channeled for us to use at this time. Usui Reiki though gives you all that you need to begin your spiritual path or to develop yourself energetically & be open to healing yourself & others.
This system of healing was developed by a man in Japan called Mikao Usui in the early 20th century. Reiki is a non-invasive complementary therapy that has been taught & used in the UK since the late 1900s, but Eastern medicine has for thousands of years worked with this energy, recognising its flow through all living things.
You receive Reiki through hands being placed upon your body whilst you are fully clothed lying on a bed. It works mainly on the physical issues in the body, but also works mentally, emotionally & spiritually too & flows where it needs to naturally.
Reiki is taught in 3 different levels, each one opening you up to the energies more strongly through both attunements & your own development. Most people who are called to learn Reiki are remembering it from other lifetimes of using it. The 3 levels of Reiki are:
Reiki 1 _ For self, family & friends
Reiki 2 - Practitioner Level
Reiki 3 - Master Teacher
In all these Reiki Courses you will receive an attunement to open you to the energy of Reiki. The first level opens you to the energy once again, the second is an expansion of that first energy & enables you to channel the energies through you more strongly. The last level is the Master level & opens you even more strongly to the energies of Reik & working in Mastership with it.
In all 3 of the courses you will also experience receiving the energy yourself & giving it to other people in shared swap sessions. This helps to more deeply embed the energy of the attunements & also to enable you to experience what it feels like to both give & receive the energy of Reiki yourself.
All levels of Reiki are certified, though you will not be able to get insured to work with people until you attend the second level of Reiki - Practitioner Level. It takes time for you to integrate the knowledge, growth & the attunemnets at each level of Reiki, so please respect the energy by allowing yourself to do that before deciding to undertake the next level of training.
All Reiki courses must be attended in person & will not be taught online by us.
This first level of Reiki is all about self healing & opening to the energies of Reiki & energy healing. The one great benefit of Reiki Level 1 is that it teaches you how to heal yourself, creating balance & opening you spiritually, mentally, physically & emotionally to the wonderful universal energy of Reiki. This level is primarily for yourself, your growth, & using Reiki on your family, friends, animals or plants, etc, but not for using the energy with the general public or to work as a healer..
You will learn the history of Reiki, how it works, where it cones from & how to use it in your daily life. You will connect with your Reiki Guide who will help you to understand how the energy works for you & answer any questions you may have about using the energy yourself.
This first level is run over 2 full days & costs £160.
This second level of Reiki furthers your spiritual growth & opens you more strongly to the energy of Reiki. It is the Practitioner level, so you will be shown how to use this energy with people & the public & how to send it over distance too. You will learn about the Reiki symbols & how to use them during healing sessions, but also how they can be used in many other ways too. You will understand how distant healing works & how Reiki can be given to someone over time & space. You will learn what to expect in Reiki healing sessions, what healing symptoms are, how Reiki works in the body & in all other ways. How to give Reiki healings to anyone seated, lying down or those with physical injury. How to prepare yourself & the room to give healings, how to enable clients to receive the best from sessions & many more things that are needed to enhance you working with both Reiki & the general public.
This second level is run over one evening & 2 full days & cost £190.
This last level of Reiki is both the Master Level & the Teaching Level. You will learn about the Master Level symbols & how they came to be. How to attune students to Reiki yourself, & how to teach Reiki to others.
This is a furthering of your growth & journey with the energy of Reiki & all mastership levels should not be undertaken lightly, but with reverence & respect & only when you feel that you are ready to undertake them.
At this level you will connect powerfully with the universal life force energy of Reiki & understand how it really works. You will also receive deep encodings of light that will expand all of your sacred centres to open you to becoming a clearer vessel for healing others & allowing the energy through you more strongly.
This third & last level of Reiki is run over 3 full days & costs £250.
PLEASE NOTE: Anyone wishing to attend any of these Reiki courses, or to know any more about Usui Reiki please get in touch with Sahra via the CONTACT page on here.
If you would be interested in Sahra coming to your area to teach any of the levels of Reiki, then please message her to discuss whether this can be arranged.
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