USUI REIKI: MASTER TEACHER: I am a certified Reiki Master Teacher, having undertaken all of the courses to train to the highest level.
KUNDALINI REIKI MASTER TEACHER: I am a certified Kundalini Reiki Master Teacher, having undertaken all of the courses to train to the highest level.
DOLPHIN & ORCA REIKI MASTER TEACHER: I am a certified Dolphin & Orca Reiki Master Teacher, having undertaken all of the courses to train to the highest level.
GOLDEN DRAGON HEALING MASTER TEACHER: I am a certified Golden Dragon High Priestess, which is the equivalent of Master Teacher, having undertaken all of the courses to train to the highest level.
SHAMBALLA MULTI-DIMENSIONAL HEALING MASTER TEACHER: I am a certified Shamballa Master Teacher, having undertaken all of the courses & work to train to the highest level.
ANGELIC REIKI MASTER TEACHER: I am a certified Angelic Reiki Master Teacher, having undertaken all of the courses to train to the highest level.
SEICHEM MASTER TEACHER: I am a certified Seichem Master Teacher, having undertaken all of the courses to train to the highest level.
EGYPTIAN HEALING: I am a certified Practitioner in Sekhem.
ATLANTEAN HEALING: I am a certified Practitioner of this modality.
MUNAY KI RITES: I am trained to initiate others in these rites & to train them to pass them on to others.
KARPAY QANCHIS NUSTAKUNA: I am trained to initiate others in these rites & to train them to pass them on to others. .
EFT: EFT is short for Emotional Freedom Technique. I am a certified EFT Practitioner.
MATRIX REIMPRINTING: I am a certified MR Practitioner.
MATRIX BIRTH REIMPRINTING: I am a certified MBR Practitioner.
SOUL PLAN READINGS (ADVANCED LEVEL): I am a certified Soul Plan Practitioner to Advanced level.
THETAHEALING (ADVANCED LEVEL): I am a certified ThetaHealing Practitioner to advanced level.
TUNING FORK/SOUND HEALING: I am a certified Sound Healer.
ACCESS CONSCIOUSNESS BARS: I am a certified Practitioner in this modality.
ASCENSION HEALING: I am a Master Teacher in this modality.
TEMPLE HEALING: I am a Master Teacher in this modality.
CELTIC GODDESS HEALING: I am both a Master Teacher & Channel of this modality.
SERAPHIM HEALING: I am a Master Teacher in this modality.
LEMURIAN HEALING: I am a Master Teacher in this modality.
GALACTIC FUSION: I am a Master Teacher in this modality.
ANUBIAN PRIEST HEALING: I am a Master Adept & Teacher in this modality.
USUI REIKI MASTER TEACHER: Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction, relaxation & healing. You receive Reiki through hands being placed upon your body whilst you are fully clothed lying on a bed. It works mainly on the physical issues in the body, but also works mentally, emotionally & spiritually too. I am a certified Reiki Master Teacher, having undertaken all of the courses to train to the highest level.
DOLPHIN REIKI: This modality is especially good for cleansing the body & joined by the beautiful, light filled energies of the Dolphins, it can help you to release issues which no longer serve you or are holding you back in life. You will feel clearer, stronger & beautifully calm & cleansed after receiving this healing.
GOLDEN DRAGON HEALING MASTER TEACHER: This powerful energy helps to burn away negativity within your body & energy field. It can be used for the repair of body tissues & infections, but works on all levels. Although it is a strong energy it can also be incredibly gentle & nurturing & brings in the amazing energies of the Golden Dragons. I am a certified Golden Dragon High Priest, which is the equivalent of Master Teacher, having undertaken all of the courses to train to the highest level.
ANGELIC REIKI PRACTITIONER: This is a high vibrational energy healing modality that works directly with the Angels to bring through the perfect healing for you. Not to be confused with other Reiki modalities, it is the Angels that facilitate the healing during these session, not the healer, meaning each healing you receive will be Divinely Guided, & you will always receive exactly what you need from this beautiful healing modality, in the perfect way for you. I am a certified Angelic Reiki Practitioner.
SEICHEM MASTER TEACHER: Seichem – pronounced Say-keem – Is a powerful healing energy that was practiced in the ancient Egyptian temples & it transmits the elemental energies of Water, Fire, Earth, Air & the Angelic Light of Spirit. It can be run as a stand alone energy or used alongside Reiki too & can also be amplified by The Golden Dragon healing energy as well. Seichem can be used on any issue - spiritual, emotional or physical problems. to bring about positive life changes. I am a certified Seichem Master Teacher, having undertaken all of the courses to train to the highest level.
SEKHEM PRACTITIONER: I am a certified practitioner in Sekhem Egyptian Healing & work with the Egyptian energies to help grow & develop you on all levels: mentally, spiritually, physically & emotionally. It can re-connect you to lifetimes in Egypt, or any energies from that time that you may need to feel now in order to evolve.
MUNAY KI RITES: The Munay Ki Rites are Shamanic Rites based on initiatory practices of the shamans of the Andes & the Amazon. The Munay-Ki are nine rites of initiation to become a person of wisdom & power. They are energetic transmissions that heal the wounds of the past – the genetic & karmic inheritance we are born with. They transform & upgrade your luminous energy field & re-inform your DNA, enabling you to transform energetically & advance on your spiritual path. They offer you gifts that can empower your life & help you to become an enlightened person following your own life path with more purpose. I am trained to initiate others in these rites.
If you wish to receive a healing session but are unsure which of these would be best for you, then please contact Steve so he can let you know which would benefit you most at the time of booking an appointment.
Please note: All forms of healing are alternative healing methods. I do not make claim to be able to diagnose, treat, or cure any physical or psychological condition. Please seek advice from a qualified physician should you have any concerns about medication, illness or symptoms.
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